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Ask Harry

For New Ways To Earn Money…

In 5-days time I shall be having yet another Birthday!

It means a lot to me to be able to continue developing and maintaining this, my website/blog.

I’m looking forward to re-starting an affiliate program with ClickBank. Here I intend making money to keep myself busy, happily achieving something every day. We’re talking about things for pleasure, not counting the routines of my boy Oliver’s school-run at 8am and 3pm, Monday to Friday.

On reaching my 80’s, it was like being thrown into a swimming pool, to realise I couldn’t run away from the momentum of an energy outside my self. I started to fall apart! I’ll spare you the detail but generally, my organs required the press of a “refresh” button. So, ‘off to the doctor’s clinic’ went I.

Consequently, my daily tablet box had to find space for a few more little blessings, brightly coloured buttons that had to be swallowed with food or a drink. Needless to say, I have difficulty in remembering to take them unless my mobile phone sounds an alarm… I think it’s the yellow one that’s meant to overcome forgetfulness!

Back to the money-making. Checking Clickbank’s website, there’s been a huge improvement over it’s original site that must have remained static for about 15 years. Now it seems to have decided to improve every one of it’s 100,000 features at the same time. OMG it’s improved, well, sort-of! Maybe it’s more detailed and (complicated) – yikes!

Have you started to wonder if my AGE has anything at all to do with my perception of complexity? if you have, I will try to remember to forgive you – Especially if I have just taken my little yellow tablet!

So, who needs a complicated set of instructions to work out how to make money as an affiliate… It’s simply a matter of choosing a product to sell from a huge list of suppliers, creating a link to introduce it to customers and then FINDING LOADS OF PEOPLE who are likely to rip off my arm for the benefits and the price at which I’m selling… Got-it?

Anyway, I’ll get at least 50% of the selling price and it will go straight into my bank without touching the sides or asking me any questions. After a few sales again (I’ve done this before), I shall be as happy as Larry, as they say.

SOON, I shall be as happy as Harry!


Take a look at this picture of Rishi and his wife

On track to win for the Tories Sunaks!! (joke)

Their sincere smiles say it all…

Problems of the world – Wars, Financial and Health issues, Poor inter-personal behaviours

Converted through the magic of their energy – To smiles for hard working, TRUE BRITS.

The Sunaks are prime examples of who and what WE NEED for this country…

Please go out and support them if you want a fair and happy outcome for yourself –

Before You Switch-It-On!

Posted by Harry Wright on September 10, 2023
Posted in Make Money Online  | No Comments yet, please leave one

Are you aware what you control?

Just a vehicle – It’ll get you from ‘A’ To ‘B’

But you need to know a couple of things Before You Swith-It-On!

  1. ONPASSIVE means Business.
  2. It’s Your Business.

Ask Yourself, “Where Am I Now?…

(My ‘A’)

Ask Yourself, “Where Do I Want To Go


(My ‘B’)

It’s a Simple Matter of Going From (A) to (B)


Shall We Go?”


More Ways To Earn Money

Posted by Harry Wright on May 31, 2023
Posted in Make Money Online  | No Comments yet, please leave one

Ask Your Friends – They’ll tell you their experience of Making Money!

They’ll tell you about OTHER FRIENDS who reveal More Ways To Earn Money… But have they tried ALL those methods?

Of the thousands of different Ways To Earn Money, only a few stand out as Effective, EASY and Ethical (E.E.E.), offering a new Lifestyle, full of fun!

A short while ago, my friend Steve sent me this, I signed up to it and I now have a E.E.E. business to share with my friends. Here it is…

CLICK HERE to activate this refreshingly Effective Opportunity.

It starts with the title or name of the business…

Home Business Academy – (HBA) for short.


If you don’t try HBA, you’re missing out on something SPECIAL!

Anyway, please enjoy your time with HBA, it is a fine example of a business way of life. You earn lots of money simply by following the guidelines and doing the necessary work involved. Yes, you have to learn and work hard to achieve anything worth having in life… nothing is free unless you are given some value by a generous human being (there are many of them about if you show them an attractive and willing side to your character.)

Finally, I am

Here to

Help you


Click “Another Way” above to meet my Millionaire Friend Frank

It’s ‘who’ you know, more than ‘what’ you know!

I’m working with Frank…

Oh, YES!

Best Wishes...

Harry Wright (email: ccpharrywright@gmail.com)