Hit The Spot – EVERY DAY!
Every Day Is Another Opportunity to –
** Is this because I’m an outright Entrepreneur?
** Am I the only one who knows how to earn…
$10,000, even $20,000 per month with very little effort?
** Do you think that YOU could earn a 5-figure income (per month) if you were shown how?
** What do you want next in your life?…
1. To Buy A New House With A Swimming Pool For My Family?
2. To Own A New Top Of The Range Sports Car?
3. To Go On A Stress-Free Holiday Or Vacation 3-Times a Year?
4. To Give Up My Job With Confidence That I Can DOUBLE MY INCOME (at least) By Staying Home?
5. To not worry about money, whatever I need to buy?
6. All Of The Above?
** How much money will you need to enjoy all the above?
1. $5,000 per month, every month?
2. $10,000 per month, every month?
3. $15,000 per month, every month?
4. $20,000 per month, every month?
** If you knew how to do it, would you teach your partner how to do the same?
RESETTLEMENT DAY – the day for seeking a new line or career:-
As an Ex-Royal Air Force Engineer, I often think about those wonderful people who have served their country in the British Army, Royal Navy and The Royal Air Force, especially when it comes time for them to leave. I have been there and it is a time with mixed emotions…
I’m sure that I’m speaking for the military people in other countries too, especially the ones I served alongside… The British Commonwealth Forces and the USA Forces at home and abroad.
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THIS IS WHAT WENT THROUGH MY MIND as I came closer to De-Mob!
1. A slippery slope into an unknown world as the clock counts down the days, hours, minutes and seconds!
2. Wondering what you are going to end up doing for a living… (I hope I get a Sports Afternoon!!)
3. Excitement of a new challenge, whatever type, whatever size or duration!! Yes, we are fired up by a good challenge.
4. Fears about not being able to feed the family in this harsh ‘outside’ world of grab and greed.
5. Nervousness about choosing the right job (out of six) being offered to you because you know that the world of business will give it’s right arm to get hold of quality people, of which you are one.
6. Eager to get started in a new career, to make it big and to be my own boss!!
OK, the feelings are one thing but the REAL WORLD waits for nobody and you have to get on with things… like making decisions and taking the lead rather than sitting back and hoping everything with fall face-up!! I’m talking about TAKING ACTION.
We have a brilliant opportunity to EARN MONEY using the Internet. An Opportunity that will not be repeated this side of the next blue moon! You need to take a good look and ask a few questions. Make sure you understand that you will become one of the top 5% with earnings high enough to enjoy a wonderful ‘Internet Lifestyle’. Business is a place where People learn to Trust others and get on with the job of making customers and making them happy.
See if you can find any of this going on with DEAN HOLLAND, the millionaire who is sharing his money-making-machine with you if you are prepared to follow instructions and do a bit of Marketing… he’ll show you how. Everything can be learned and he is your coach.
RIGHT, Let’s get on parade!!
Today I want to talk about habits, good and bad!
When you do something over and over again, you get used to doing it and, if it seemed difficult at the beginning, it starts to get easier… agree?
I remember when. at the age of 16, I was in the Royal Air Force and that dreadfully difficult first 8-weeks square – bashing!! We performed, initially by numbers, hundreds of military movements until we all got it together… that’s when we started to ENJOY IT! We had developed a habit of marching and moving as one. I consider that a good habit, particularly as we would have to perform as one if we were to save our lives in battle.
The bad habits of lack of concentration and forgetfulness were built into that marching habit but we kept in practise so that they didn’t appear too often. This reminds me of the discipline involved with making money online.
If you are going to succeed with making good money on a regular basis with online marketing, you have to display very good habits and if you fall back into some bad ones, you will feel it in your bank at the end of the month. Let’s take a look at the necessary good habits of online marketing.
Start with some principles:
1. If you present a trustworthy character and a giving nature, you will secure more customers
2. Look after your customers every day if you expect them to continue following your business.
3. Good ethics, like good habits are worth a fortune to your customers and yourself.
** The best habit you can adopt in any business is to communicate
daily. Be open with your customers, telling them what’s going on – good and bad. They like the truth and they like to know the inside story to your buisiness and the products and services they purchase.
** To enable another good habit of offering high value in everything you do, make sure you offer the best competitive price before delivering at least 50% on top by giving away something relevant and useful.
** Bad habits are, by definition, failing in any way to not deliver the good habits already mentioned. Perhaps one bad habit that I haven’t mentioned is to deliver LATE!! You can see why I said that a good habit is a daily habit – it saves you from being late by more than a day before the reminders kick in!
Whether Marching or delivering the Best Pizza in the West, ‘Hitting The Spot’ is an apt description of excellent performance as well as a very good habit.
DEAN HOLLAND is an ethical and successful business entrepreneur because he understands the basis of good service through good business habits.
I’d like to introduce you to Dean’s excellent online marketing system right here…
A Potted history and this open video account of myself is only the first step for you getting to know me. I intend keeping in touch, daily, through this page of my blog so that you can see me as a trusted advisor when it comes to this once-in-a-lifetime chance to make your fortune online.
I won’t let you down so you will need to make an effort to contact me if you need specific information. Remember, I’ve been where you are at the moment!!
Harry Wright
mobile: 07714 222 358
email: harywright43@gmail.com
https://harry-wright.com << recently updated
http://www.wright-answers.com << updated
Harry Wright FIIE MCIPD Business Leadership
Enabling Business Owners to Innovate and Grow
Chat freetalk0411
I guarantee you’ll be fascinated if not hooked on this video presentation Dean Holland shows you when you take a look at his system.
By The Way, DEAN HOLLAND is an ethical and highly respected English gentleman and a MILLIONAIRE who wants to help us all the way. He really wants us to succeed for TWO MAIN REASONS…
1. His primary interest is to see you and me making a great living for our families using his system.
2. This is business for him and the more income he helps us earn, the more he makes!
Harry Wright
mobile: 07714 222 358
email: harywright43@gmail.com
https://harry-wright.com << recently updated
http://www.wright-answers.com << updated
Harry Wright FIIE MCIPD Business Leadership
Enabling Business Owners to Innovate and Grow
Chat freetalk0411
Remember, I’m keeping this very simple so I don’t need to do a lot of explaining or persuading you to take action.
Here are a few tips that might answer your questions…
The system, Dean Holland’s system is working very well for him
Join as a PARTNER and you will be able to use all his tools and the money-making aspects of the system…
Imagine if you had to create all that infrastructure – videos, squeeze pages, script, and link it all together!! Not for me brother! I’d rather just use it and draw my earnings from it EVERY MONTH (15th) by PayPal.
Harry Wright
mobile: 07714 222 358
email: harywright43@gmail.com
https://harry-wright.com << recently updated
http://www.wright-answers.com << updated
Harry Wright FIIE MCIPD Business Leadership
Enabling Business Owners to Innovate and Grow
Chat freetalk0411
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