‘My Advertising Pays’ Written In The Sand
Three hundred years ago, or more,
Brave seamen sailed tall ships galore;
To find a promised land for sure,
Beyond their dreams of bounty pure
They hauled rough ropes of twine and grime,
They rode the waves of endless rhyme;
Some lost their will to live – they lay upon the deck,
Their hearts not worthy of a pulse to even check
Then came a breakthrough – discovering the land,
Where milk and honey were most definitely at hand;
Excitement seared through every sailor’s veins,
As, on the Maps, appeared their signature of names.
“It’s mine”, they cried, “Forever, I am rich!”
“No more will I be living in a ditch”;
If ‘Maps’ can help me find that ‘Promised Land’,
Then I am at their mercy and I will write ‘MAPs’ in the sand!
>> This link X marks the spot for MAPs ‘My Advertising Pays’ <<
Maps pays income, real cash MONEY to you daily. (up to 72 times daily)
All you have to do is sign up, click ads (10 ads takes 10 mins) & YOU MAKE MONEY.
It’s even free to join! JOIN ME NOW, I WILL BE YOUR SPONSOR
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mobile: 07714 222 358
email: harywright43@gmail.com
https://harry-wright.com<<recently updated
Harry Wright FIIE MCIPD Business Leadership
Read More and get to know the author…https://harry-wright.com/about-harry
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