We became married on 26th December 1963, at the tender age of just 20. This means that Boxing Day Is Here To Stay and has special significance for me plus, of course, for my wonderful first wife, Antoinette.
We were so naive and ill-prepared for the big challenges of life that it is a wonder we physically survived to tell the tale. However, we have many brilliant and fond memories of what went right and what went wrong from the moment we walked into our first Boxing Day home,
‘Old Rectory’ Yatesbury, Wiltshire, to the day we sadly signed the divorce papers in 1976.
Boxing Day itself is always full of action in the UK; Lots of sport, social activity and an overall buzz in the atmosphere to support the major public holiday and closure of banks, as though the Government is trying to distract us from spending our last penny, post Christmas shopping.
In our case, in 1963, we had very little money to prepare for marriage in the first place, only just surviving on my Senior Aircraftsman wages of £6 and 10 shillings per week in the Royal Air Force and about £5 for my wife-to-be as a local shop assistant. Looking on the bright side after my wife left her job on moving from Norfolk to Wiltshire, my wages were doubled as we were then entitled to RAF married allowance.
So, after paying rent for our flat and an average of £4 for the week’s grocery shopping, it didn’t leave a huge amount in our pockets to pay the village milkman for delivering our daily bottle of milk to our door-step. Nevertheless, in the next 9-months, we managed to graduate from advanced trade training at RAF Yatesbury and save enough cash for a deposit on a sec
ond-hand motorbike plus side-car… just in time to collect our new baby daughter from the Isle of Ely hospital on September 15th 1964.
That’s when we took off for greater things, hiring a private caravan for six months in Hemmingford abbots, before moving into our first married quarters at Bassingbourn, near Royston, Hertfordshire. This was the start of real, private and professional progress as we scaled the ranks and excitedly prepared for service in far away Germany for our first three-year tour abroad.
OK, enough of the scene setting; here we go, head-first into the nitty-gritty significance of Boxing Day 2018. This is the start of my Wealth Year-Calendar, just like the start of my married life in 1963. There might be large differences in the two examples but the most important thing to remember is the guts you need to get started and to soldier on irrespective of the challenges in front of you. I call it ‘Stick-ability’, persistence or the rugged determination to succeed.
Firstly, we are going ahead in 2019 with Day Trading, making up to £1,000 per day (or more) by June. Now, trading doesn’t come easy to many people, especially if they believe they might lose a trade or two. The secret is to start off small, then build up the size of your trad
es over time, never over-stretching your risk by more than 10% of your capital.
The next golden rule is to never trade more than one trade at a time. Then there is the analysis of charts and the interpretation into daily action. It can take a lot of nerve and courage to build up a narrative and stick to it for every trade, every day, but it’s well worth it.
The main aim of me trading is to make enough money over the next 24 months to buy a new house costing about £350,000 – £400,000. If you break down that goal into easy chunks, you will be able to see 24 months x £16,666 monthly. There are many alternative ways of achieving my goal but if I go for about £17k every 20 working days (1-month), I should make it comfortably.
Now that’s roughly £850 per day, every trading day! Is that possible, you ask?
Answer… yes, if you go through my training, operate on the DAX and you keep to a set of rules to prevent you losing trades. Also, you would need a healthy amount of starting capital (about £10,000). Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you know how to cover all that in the training
You can do what I did… start with about £300-£500 of your own money, then do very small trades and be content with earning just £50 per day for the first month. You plough that first £1,000 back into the trading pot and keep it going with slightly larger trades for another 3-months.
In more detail, that’s £50 per day or £1,000 for 20 working days trading over the first month.
£100 per day (more capital to trade with) or £2,000 at the end of the second month.
£150 per day or £3,000 for the third month.
And £200 per day throughout the fourth month, making another £4,000.
Now, adding up the monthly total capital sums, there’s £1,000 + £2,000 +£3,000 + £4,000 = £10,000 CAPITAL TO START TRADING WITH IN MONTH FIVE.
Building up your trading capital in this way takes a few months but it is surprising how quickly it grows to a powerful level. Let’s say that it takes you four months to get £10,000 to play with, that’s well worth the discipline and you could be sailing after that, making around £850 every day and risking no more than 10% of your capital for each trade.
Look, I am the first person to say that you will want to withdraw some of your money, particularly in the early stages, to basically check that everything is working. Do just that, take out whatever amount makes you feel happy but don’t lose sight of your goal.
Being cautious, I will be hitting my target of £400,000 cash (tax-free) within two years from now. This is all working from home and shaping my own schedule of trading times.
END OF 2020, a new house worth £400,000 bought for cash, starting from scratch!
Please take that as my New Year’s Resolution!
Also, be aware that this will NOT be the first house I have purchased, I have bought houses in the past but they have come and gone – just like chocolate money in your pocket. That’s life, marriage and sadly divorce!
>> Click here and Learn how to achieve the detail of this realistic lifestyle plan<<<
Harry Wright
mobile: +44 7714 222 358
email: ccpharrywright@gmail.com
About: http://www.about.me/harryewright
Harry Wright FIIE MCIPD Leadership Coach
Enabling Business Owners to Innovate and Grow
Chat: actiontaker10
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