We have just heard that Donald Trump is making an official visit to our country and he will receive the full Royal treatment against an interesting political backdrop of Brexit plus that massive, global climate protestation in our capital city, London. Oh yes, it’s Spring Time In England.
Let’s hope he enjoys the welcome and that he can withstand the criticism he’s likely to face over some of his foreign policy antics. I’m not sure he will benefit from us trying to woo him prior to bi-lateral UK / USA trade talks?Anyway, Mr. Trump may have to walk the plank of tax returns before he arrives, that should put him in a great mood for talking money, (NOT)!
You never know, he just might be willing to show us ordinary Brits how to earn (or somehow steal) a billion dollars from ‘the system’ to make a name for ourselves – or maybe not. Surely though, a Billionaire for over forty years must have come across some good fortune at sometime or other?
Well, keeping 100% to good fortune and the theme of this blog, I will invite you to study the following ‘lucky’ system (lucky for you, that is) by simply clicking the following link before performing a very simple registration to earn thousands of dollars.
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