From Grass To Milk, From Milk To Health; We use our Health to Make More Wealth!
I was born in the Shropshire countryside with a history of my family going back hundreds of years on the farm. In 1943 near the end of the war, we were on food rations while my dad was working very hard to provide as much food for the country as he possibly could.
Apart from caring for 300 sheep, he managed all the crops, kept the hedges tidy and fed over 60 cows to produce milk. I remember the old fashioned milk churns clanging their way on to the back of milk lorries as they rattled their way to the creamery. Now, we pick up plastic bottles of milk in the supermarket with hardly a thought for the poor old cows having to produce all that milk every day. Much has changed for us over the past 75 years yet little has changed for the cows.
Behind the scenes we have considered the price and the quality of the milk in relation to the care for the cows as a business enterprise. We use a lot more technology to keep them clean when being milked, much more ‘tech’ to ensure the milk is free from germs and even more data to keep the farmers aware and up to speed in their business processes. We even have an investment program to engage with the general public… take a look at the banner below: Interestingly, my dad would surely have loved the thought of being able to earn extra income like this… what about you. Why not chew it over? While our cows make milk, we make money.

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