“Waiting for the launch
Of ONPASSIVE is like
Waiting for Christmas!”
We know it’s going to be good – it’s exciting
And we are all nervous… Is it the cost?
Heck, no, just think about the ongoing VALUE
For the Rest of your life –
Plus Financial Freedom – That’s Exciting!
I signed-up (registered) about 17 months ago in March 2020 and since then I have seen the number of founders increase from about 60,000 to what it is today 879,000. What a meteoric rise! So, what does that really mean?
It means that when our full launch takes place we will all be offered a free 7-day trial of the products available at that time… just like Christmas!
Then it’s ‘decision time’, I have to decide to purchase or wait until I can afford to buy the products in my toolbox, as it were. These are the products that ONPASSIVE will be programmed to go out and sell on my behalf, to create revenue in my business. When I say “my business” I mean my account within ONPASSIVE… and it’s my money that will have been earned , so it will be placed in my wallet. That will be happening for each and every co-founder… then we will be referred to as ‘re-sellers’ having done our job of helping (co-founding) the company to develop it into a massive selling beast in 212 countries.
I’m sure you can tell that I’m eager to get started on this next phase. It’s so interesting and so simple to understand once you realise that the whole point of this business is to provide a reward for those who had struggled in the past, having made no money online and, worse still, been embarrassed by not being able to show the next generation how to do what we are doing… it’s very simple with ONPASSIVE because you do not have to lift a finger to earn your reward, it’s all automatic and based on Artificial Intelligence. The quality of service is second to none too. ONPASSIVE LIFE is well worth living, worth aiming for and worth accepting when offered!

What am I going to do with my earnings from ONPASSIVE? Well, it is not a secret among my team of friends, I’m going to buy a house for my family. They will have their own goals but we will no doubt be helping each other whenever there are challenges in the air. That’s another great feature of our company – it’s ability and natural desire to support each other as one big family.
At age 78, I’m mindful of living out my time within the next 20 years (if I’m blessed)… it could happen tomorrow that my earning days hit the buffers! That only goes to prove, thankfully, I’m wise enough to be backing ONPASSIVE for my young family. I’m enjoying being able to spread the word to all you ‘young pups’ growing- up in a variety of ways – even making a new start at University, or getting married to start a new generation, new family – new everything – If You Click Here >>>ONPASSIVE will see that you are looked after!
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