Today is remembrance day and if I compare what happened 100 years ago to what is happening today, there s NO COMPARISON. However, we still have mindless military battles taking place all over the world for basically the same reasons that we fought the first World War. Battles and wars that get us no further forward but diminish much of what we love and cherish.When will we ever learn to be satisfied with what Mother Nature has given us?
What would you be prepared to sacrifice in order to ensure your children and all future generations had a better life?
My own thoughts don’t even come close to the level achieved a century ago. Nothing compares with giving up your life. So was it really necessary to suffer all that death and destruction; was it worth our legacy of loss to plant a new flag in the ground alongside the ten million or more who were forced to die? Surely not.
All I can offer today is to ask the whole world’s population “What is it I can do to make people happier”. I can’t presume to change lives but I hope to satisfy immediate needs by showing everyone what I know that will give them more money every day. What you do with more money is up to you but there’s a chance it could be used for positive life-change.
The online financial markets are here as a result of advanced technology and peace-loving scientists and engineers. Although some people abuse the benefits, the vast majority of us can see how it can enhance our daily lives. What could we do with an extra £500 or more per day; what could we do (peacefully) with the money?
Starting with the family, could it help us overcome some stress? Could it help to pay for a better house to live in, better food to eat, a safer car to drive or to pay off all our bills? Would it make us happier people to know that we had fewer pressures and more
choice in how we live together? If your answer to these questions is “yes” then I am more than willing to sacrifice my time to talk with you about it and give you all my knowledge and experience to make it happen.
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