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For New Ways To Earn Money…


TopBizFootprint – A Business To Follow!

This was my first adventure online so, if you want to MAKE GOOD MONEY FAST… don’t waste your time reading this post…  SIMPLY CLICK HERE!!

The website cost me just $10 to set up and it kept me busy while I learned how to create pages and fill them with detail about… well, anything and everything that came to mind!

I actually loved ‘playing’ with all the features, overcoming one challenge at a time. I remember making some hyper-links to refer all those imaginary viewers to a couple of affiliate offers… played around for hours / days just to make sure they worked…  http://www.lolly4sure,com

Nowadays, I enjoy the same pleasures when I write a blog post but I have a lot more knowledge to relate to my readers. Indeed I can tell them about the ‘footprint’ part and why I came up with that word. Three years ago, after being at my Change Management Consulting job for a few (permanent) years, I wanted to return to ‘daily freedom’ and resurect my self employed business buzz – not the business itself, just the BUZZ!!

Permanent employment for me was never the same after being able to run my own business for 17 years. Many years earlier I had been ‘permanent’ (23 years) with the Royal Air Force, a magical part of my life. But since then, with the scent of daily freedom in my nostrils, I couldn’t go back reporting to a JOB!  Anyway, I wanted to do my own thing and this website was an opportunity to tell and show everyone what I could do for them.

Choosing the domain name for my online business ‘TopBizFootprint’ gave me a surge of energy. I wanted to prove how I could help people benefit from a wonderful TopBiz service and how they should follow me if they wanted to achieve the same aim as mine, to make money online.

Altogether, TopBizFootprint.com was to offer a cost-free service and invite people to a form of local (Internet) club for making money online. This it has done but not quite how I imagined or designed it to operate. The website is one thing but the business is much wider and it involves many more websites and systems in support. Actually, TopBizFootprint is ME. It serves as a broad platform for introducing me to online browsers. I give them the chance to consider me as their guide and advisor towards them making an income and, eventually, a fortune from online action.

Who could have guessed that a simple, free website http://www.topbizfootprint.com would turn into a major earning machine at the hub of a powerful network of passive income systems. It simply started off describing itself as a helpful servant… later, I was to reflect on the fact that the very best leadership behaviour stems from serving those whom you lead.

So what!… QUESTIONS:

1. Where does it lead people to?

2. Who are they and why do they bother to look at the website in the first place?

3. What do they actually get out of taking part?


1. TopBizFootprint leads the people who are lucky enough to find the website, to a place of choice where they can choose to be wealthy or not.

2. They are people who may have been believing for many years that there must be something more than living the lifestyle pre-set by previous generations, or a life full of hardships and disappointments with no choice until they die. They are people with a small flame inside them that will extinguish if it is not fanned carefully. 80% of all free-thinking people want something better for their children and grandchildren.

3. These people, when they take part, find a wonderful range of others who are not judged by their age, their past or by academic qualifications at all. They find a warm and supportive environment without pressure on coming or going, joining or leaving, time pressures, financial status, colour or culture. They also find a truly surprising number of like-minded people who just want to find someone to ‘work’ with. Actually, it’s not work that we do, it’s pure motivational living… nothing gets in the way of those who really want to reach high for a better standard of living. It’s not ‘work’ when you eagerly switch on your computer to get stuck into the next discovery. It might take you a few days or even weeks to fully understand a method or system but, with lots of direct help, you do it and you benefit big time!! Yes, you are earning a new and better living… free-minded, no cost and everyone helps you succeed; Then you can help others do the same.


Please feel at ease to comment as you wish, either go to the website or contact me direct:

Mob: 44(0) 7714222358

The website (contact me via menu) http://www.topbizfootprint.com

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