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Ask Harry

For New Ways To Earn Money…

WHEN do I Want To Be Wealthy?

“When do I want to be wealthy?”… an easy question?

I want to be wealthy when I’m able to pay for the nicer things in life. I want that day to be as soon as possible so I had better do all the calculations, a bit of homework and weigh-up the realistic time for all this to happen!

Will it take for ever to get started? No, you can get started tomorrow after sleeping on this whole, life-changing realization.  Part of the preparation time is taken up with deciding how long it will take to accept that initial discipline of focus.

‘Focus’ is the killer for many people. Some of us are easily distracted and only start proper action at the last minute, rather like the way we studied for exams! If you recognise how important this whole project is for yourself, your family and their future, you will possibly have a better chance of keeping on track. Keep asking the question “When do I want to be wealthy?”

If you want it to be quick you had better take a mentor… how about ME!! Teaching yourself is admirable BUT it can take a lot longer and you will have a few more holes in your knowledge than if you join forces with me… it costs very little.

Reminder:  Wealth is more than just money; it includes skills, knowledge and wisdom.

OK, this could take a while for some people; it depends on a number of things that belong to your “As-Is”. Whatever, you will be able to estimate a reasonable time to embed within your goals after looking at all these aspects of time relating to when you want to be wealthy.

One of my programmes can tell you precisely when your money will come in after getting started. This helps you, particularly with cash-flow planning as it has a cycle of 10-16 weeks.

You need to know a lot about ‘WHEN’ if you are going to engage in SMART goals to achieve your wealth. Remember this little helper:

S… Specific Target for your achievement

M…Measureable quantity of wealth (e.g. money)

A….Achievable in the time allocated

R… Realistic (if you are working alone?)

T… Timed… don’t let it drag on without a boundary