This is what happened in the Wright household first thing this morning…

1. We received a call from Curry’s delivery Van driver to say that he was in our area and would be dropping off our new cooker at 8 am.

2. I had just switched on my computer and set up an early DAX trade of 0.5 units to ‘SELL’.

3. Within five minutes the Dax was falling BUT the delivery van was outside!

4. Reluctantly leaving the trade, I went downstairs and received the cooker – this took no more than ten minutes for the driver and his mate to carry it into the kitchen and take my signature.

5. On my speedy return to the ‘SELL’ DAX trade upstairs, I noticed it had gained over £1,000 profit.

6. This next step was easy… I killed the trade because that was more than I had anticipated to earn in the whole day – It was only 8.15 am!!

7. Checking my account history, I confirmed that my work was over and I had the rest of the day to play with…. The last entry in my account (only one today) was reading £1,116

Short And Very Sweet – 7 Steps To Success

What can I say… I’m pleased with my earnings and, as you can see, you could easily be doing the same. I want to share my excitement and am prepared to show you everything – just tell me you are interested and indicate that you will be prepared to have an open mind, that’s all I need. I’ll show you how to earn like this, no matter what your grades were at school… do you want it?

Harry Wright

P.S. Send me your details in the box at the top of the page.


Mobile: +44 7714222358