Today was a day away from the computer because I had to drive to Shropshire from our home in Bristol. That meant there was no actual trading by sitting and watching the value of the trade go up and down… nice break from the hard work! So, I had a lovely drive into the beautiful countryside where I had been brought up as a child.

However, before I left home, I couldn’t bear to go a whole day without some excitement so I set up a ‘BUY’ trade at the bottom of an enormous drop by the DAX at around 9am.

Then I Left instructions for Malcolm and My wife to give me a call if they saw the Dax going up towards my target. That’s when I was to give the signal to my wife to KILL the trade at the highest point of it’s travel… If possible!

This happened according to plan and I now have a profit for the day of £647, simple as that!


You couldn’t find an easier or more lucrative day’s work than that now, could you?


Remember to contact me, either by email  by mobile phone – anytime about anything to do with earning money through trading online… Just enter your details in the little box above


Mobile: 44 7714222358