My advice to the world’s poorest people is “Don’t Regret… Invest!”
My advice to the rich would be “Support the poor”
Together, we would create a much stronger economy and a happier society.
Such sweeping generalisations might not appeal to everyone, but when you study the past behaviour of the rich and poor enclaves of society, you will discover what necesitated a reversal in thinking in corporate business management during the 1980s.
The familiar ‘triangle’ model (pointing up), representing the power in the business, had to be over-turned (pointing down) in order for the CEO to understand the majority of employees. The real power is held by the majority whereas the titular head should understand and serve the majority if he/she is to influence the rest for better business results.
Reflecting that change in behaviour into society at large, the vast numbers of relatively poor people should be respected for what they aspire to be. They should be given the support of the relatively few in society who, for one reason or another, have been used to influencing others.
As the world develops new levels of understanding, fairness and aptitude, and discovers ways of integrating the healthy side of competition for reasons of quality and perfection, we should be looking for the entrepreneurial spirit of challenge and risk to rise above the imposition of new rules. We should be suggesting that the masses have opportunity to show their creativity, so long suppressed, and their leadership ability borne out of serving others for so long.
Leadership qualities displayed in the financial development of nations are no different from the leadership atributes of a mother or father with a family to feed in preparation for the world of work. Each has an important role to observe plus thoughtful behaviour to demonstrate.
Regrets should be given an amnesty before we invest in the upturning of our old- fashioned, ‘triangular’ behaviour. I would like to see many more people take up fresh thinking and have a go at getting rich. I would like to see those alrerady successful encouraging more newbies to be equally successful in the use of the Internet.
What would all that activity provide? Some would say “havoc”, others might say “Happy people”!
It would at least display an acceptance of change, something that is inevitable over time… “bring it on”, I say, “Let us challenge the status quo in order to discover the real depths and values of empowerment. Free the energy pent up within individuals and exercise the demonstrable skills of current leaders to achieve renewed success in business and financial power.
The question is… What would (will) happen to the balance of power across the nations of the world?
What do you think would (will) be the impact on society and the way heads of the family look to create wealth and distribute it across the wider family plus diserving cases outside the family?
My thoughts include a proposal to the heads of the G20 nations, currently meeting in Russia, to abandon the majority of red tape keeping nations apart from each other, and to encourage a sprint towards entrepreneurialism across the globe. I would suggest they recognise the likely impact on nations, institutions, organisations, companies and individuals alike to exercise creative freedom for innovative technological development and economic growth. Spur on people to take risk and manage any shortcomings from taking early action. I do not propose taking wild risks with safety or security but I would encourage moderate adventures into such things as Internet earning schemes, revolutionary business models such as those for ‘Banners Broker’ and ‘Profit Clicking’.
As people across the world become tech savvey from the age of 4 years, I would suggest that the older pillars of our tribes take on a more flexible approach to setting the rules of engagement for financial transactions. If we can police 18 year olds at the moment, why not reduce the age to, say, 16 or even younger as the age of rational thought for earning money seems to be about 14 these days? If things go wrong for a while… so what!! Be a leader and Don’t Regret… Invest!
What are YOUR thoughts about Banners Broker and Profit Clicking?
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Harry Wright FIIE MCIPD Business Leadership
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