Trump Twins?

With the ‘Trump twins’ engaging in Leadership games, June 1st informs British Leaders that Donald Trump wants and expects our Boris Johnson to win the Tory Leadership challenge. He also thinks Boris is a great person and that he would make a good Prime Minister.

So, what does Mr. Trump know about leadership, apart from winning deals and using bully tactics to scare the pants off others – well, that’s one kind of leadership I suppose?

It’s a funny old world when the President of the United States calls up Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage as friends, to meet for a coffee and a chat… actually, it pretty good too!

Imagine Boris as our PM sitting in N0. 10, with Donald in the White House, discussing Brexit tactics on their Huawei free-phones… surely, we will soon become another US State?

It’s enough to make you want to follow them and become a Billionaire… well here’s your chance to get started as a wealthy individual – shall we leave the desire for a personal tower-block for another day?