MAPs 2‘My Advertising Pays’ Written In The Sand

Land Ahoy


Three hundred years ago, or more,

Brave seamen sailed tall ships galore;

To find a promised land for sure,

Beyond their dreams of bounty pure




They hauled rough ropes of twine and grime,


They rode the waves of endless rhyme;

Some lost their will to live – they lay upon the deck,

Their hearts not worthy of a pulse to even check




Then came a breakthrough – discovering the land,
MAPs 1

Where milk and honey were most definitely at hand;

Excitement seared through every sailor’s veins,

As, on the Maps, appeared their signature of names.




Squeeze into Maps Here“It’s mine”, they cried, “Forever, I am rich!”

“No more will I be living in a ditch”;

If ‘Maps’ can help me find that ‘Promised Land’,

Then I am at their mercy and I will write ‘MAPs’ in the sand!


>> This link X marks the spot for MAPs ‘My Advertising Pays’ <<

My Advertising Pays, It Pays To Be On M.A.P!

Maps pays income, real cash MONEY to you daily. (up to 72 times daily)

All you have to do is sign up, click ads (10 ads takes 10 mins) & YOU MAKE MONEY.

It’s even free to join! JOIN ME NOW, I WILL BE YOUR SPONSOR 

>> Click here to change your life and EARN MONEY NOW  <<


Harry Wright (Your Sponsor)

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Harry Wright FIIE   MCIPD  Business Leadership

Enabling Business Owners to Innovate and Grow

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